Day 1:  Unlock Your Content Superpower

Discover your unique Human Design blueprint and create content that flows effortlessly. Say goodbye to forced creativity and hello to content that feels naturally aligned. We’ll dive deep into the styles and themes that resonate best with your energy.


Day 2: Craft Your Magnetic Brand (Plus Reel & Carousel Magic!)

Ready to make your brand irresistible? I'll show you how I fine-tune brand identity so it’s authentically YOU. Plus, I’m sharing my secret sauce for creating those attention-grabbing reels and carousels that skyrocket engagement and follower count.



💭 Generate a list of catchy names for my community identity who values both [list 2 conflicting values]. Here’s who they are [insert details about your perfect people], the challenges I help them solve [insert challenges], how the challenge manifests in their lives [explain the challenge and how they experience it], and why I am the one to solve it [give details on your expertise].

Here are some examples of community “identities”: “No Gatekeeping Smart Girl”, “Lazy Millionaire”, [insert additional examples].

The best names will be memorable and relatable and capture the essence of my ideal customer. My goal is to create that “if you know you know factor.”

Play with opposites or unexpected combinations: